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Report on the meeting held by the Committee for Social Responsibility

26 July 2019

Report on the meeting held by the Committee for Social Responsibility

While taking account of the social responsivity as the sole organisation that presides over the sport of football in Japan, the JFA has established their principle as, “Creating a rich sports culture and contributing to the healthy development of people’s mind and body and to the development of society through football.” The Committee for Social Responsibility is one of the Expert Committee that covers “how” the JFA can contribute to the society and the committee is consisted by five experts in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR). In order to share the activities carried out by the Committee for Social Responsibility, we will like to share the report from the recent committee meeting.

The fourth meeting of Committee for Social Responsibility (18 June 2019)

Cooperative agreement with Tokyo University of the Arts

The JFA has announced their cooperative agreement with Tokyo University of the Arts in the areas of social contribution activities. In efforts to make JFA’s social contribution activities more visible, the school has adapted a course to create videos that covered the activities carried out by the JFA, and the course is held in one of their academic certificate programmes called the Diversity on the Arts Project (DOOR). Chairman HIBINO Katsuhiko, who is also the Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts at the Tokyo University of the Arts, reported on the programme’s development, “this year we held lectures on ‘handy movie practice’ to allow the students to record the materials on their smartphones and iPads to create a short film no longer than a minute. The course has the potential to broaden our perspective by seeing what the students who aren’t regularly involved in football sees from their point of view.”

Diversity on the Arts Project (external link to Japanese website)

United Nations Global Compact

In order to achieve their sustainable development goals, the JFA has shown their consent with the “United Nations Global Compact,” and registered themselves under Global Compact Network Japan. Starting from 2019, in addition to their “Organizational expansion committee,” members of the three subcommittees, SDGs, CSV, and Reporting research, will join the committee to add more insights.

Participation in the United Nations Global Compact

Global Compact Network Japan (external link to Japanese website)

Environmental Activities

In regard to JFA’s environmental conservation activities, reports have been submitted to the Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) Sport and Environment Commission, and many clubs of the J. League have followed the footsteps of the JFA. As part of their activities, the JFA has held events at the Prince Takamado Trophy JFA U-18 Football Premier League Final since 2017 to raise awareness on environmental conservation.

Japanese Olympic Committee "Sport and Environment" (external link)

Supporting the Project to “Promote Children to have their meal at home”

The JFA has supported Bunkyo-ward’s project to promote children to have their meal at home by providing products for the month of June. On 10 July, a meeting was held at the Bunkyo Ward office to give a report on the activities held during 2018.

Bunkyo city "Children eating at home" (external link to Japanese website)
Official website of Children eating at home (external link to Japanese website)

Social Impact Measurement

Public interest activities by the private sector are being promoted to take on various social issues, and as part of the approach, the need to implement “sport version tool sets” of the “social impact management initiative” was assessed. It has been reported that discussions were held regarding the “funds related to dormant deposits,” which requires the implementation of social impact measurement, maybe utilised for the grassroots activities in the future.

Social Impact Management Initiative (external link to Japanese website)
Cabinet Office "Social Impact Measurement" (external link to Japanese website)

Pledge to Support UNICEF's "Children's Rights in Sport Principles"

The JFA has pledged their support towards the UNICEF's "Children's Rights in Sport Principles" and announced “The Declaration – Ensure Safety of Football Family,” to provide a safe and secure environment for all children and football families to enjoy the sport of football.

UNICEF "Children's Rights in Sport Principles" (external link)

National Movement to Support Children's Future

On Wednesday 29 May, the JFA held a kick-off ceremony to announce their pledge to strengthen the efforts to support the “National Movement to Support Children's Future,” carried out by the Cabinet Office, and future activities were discussed in detail at the meeting.

JFA to support the “National Movement to Support Children's Future”

Support towards Giving December

It was reported that JFA’s official event carried out at the Inclusion Football Festival, held by the Japan Inclusive Football Federation (JIFF), was awarded with the “Special Event Award” at the “Giving December 2018.” The event also took place at the Inclusion Football Festival Hiroshima 2018, after the event was postponed due to the torrential rain that struck western Japan. The event played a major role to collect donations for the Japanese Red Cross Society.

"JIFF Inclusion Football Festival 2018" Report (external link to Japanese website)
Giving December 2018 Award (external link)
Inclusion Football Festival held in Hiroshima! (external link to Japanese website)

Sponsorship Application

A report on sponsorship application based on the sponsorship guidelines was also shared at the meeting, as it was mentioned that all sponsorship applications that are approved will be reported to the board of directors before being notified to the public.

Business and Financial Reports

Reports on Social Contribution Activities

In order to share the activities carried out by the Committee for Social Responsibility, a relay column has been shared on the JFA website. It was also discussed to start featured articles on the “JFAnews” to share the activities every other month.

“JapaFunCup and Match-Flag” - Committee for Social Responsibility Chairman HIBINO Katsuhiko

Organisation Report

A discussion was held to improve on the business reports that are created each year, to make the information clearer to all the involved members.

Business and Financial Reports (Business Plan and Report)

Committee for Social Responsibility (Without honorifics)
Chairman HIBINO Katsuhiko Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts at the Tokyo University of the Arts
Members MURAMATSU Kuniko Wellness Systems Institute
TAKAHASHI Yoko Japan Philanthropic Association
KURODA Kaori CSO Network Japan
AKABANE Makiko CSR Asia Tokyo Office
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The JFA Ideal

Through football, we realise the full benefits that sports can bring to our lives
the soundness of our bodies, the expansion of our minds,
and the enrichment of our societies.

The JFA Ideal, Vision, Values